Sunday, April 24, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

So weathered was the word this week and I think perhaps I should post a picture of  my brain. With the lack of post last week and then the inability to get this weeks picture to Snips in time for posting I seriously wonder about my ability to walk and talk. Maybe I'll just stay still and not speak all this week just to be safe?!

Well here is Snips gorgeous take on weathered.

Isn't it wonderful!? I love it and it's made even better by the fact that Nicole can't even recall what the rest of this house looks like, she only looks at the stairs when she passes by. So even if something is so weathered it can keep it's original beauty and sometimes even become improved by the process.

I had to giggle when Nicole sent me her photo - my subject is almost the same colour!

I like how not only the bench is weathered but the snow surrounding it is as well! So my brain may be weathered but I did manage to get, what I think is a pretty sweet snapshot.

Have a great week and remember to appreciate the weathered things in your life - they show us perseverance and history and everlasting beauty.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

... little late I know. Bad me but I have been so sick on top of school and a new job.

Here they are though, the word of the week was "fresh" as choosen by me and immediately cookies came to my mind. Hey, any excuse to bake!!

Now you can really tell Nicole and I are related because she thought of food too when she heard the word fresh!

Her staging is way better than mine and now I think I have to go eat something fresh!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Snapshot Sundays

So the word of the week was monochromatic. So hard! I really wanted to get a fantastic picture of a suburban road with a dull grey sky in the background. No such luck because it finally got sunny.
So I found a bright patch of mixed grasses instead and I think it works:

Now Nicole went a different route and has given us this: 

I love it! She doesn't think as highly of it for some reason but I find the little details that show in the photo are so cool. I also like how the blue background of of the painting (which she painted by the way!) is mimicked in the wood behind the painting.

May I also point out that I find the painting itself intriguing because I think the statue resembles Nicole. Call me odd, I will agree, but I see the statue and I see my sis, I think it's the lips.

Well until next week when we will both bring you something "fresh".

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Snapshot Sundays

Lately I feel as though I don't have enough balls in the air. Between school, school and school I'm getting a little antsy for more to do. That's one of the reasons I started to blog, it's the secondary reason for getting a part time job (the primary one being complete lack of funds!) and now boredom is one of the reasons I agreed to do a Sunday post in tandem with my little sis. Nicole, aka Snips, writes an amazing blog, check her out at Snips Snippets (my little sis has so many skills and when she started blogging another one came out to shine! She is an amazing writer, seriously sometimes I laugh so hard I cry reading her posts).

Of course for our debut weekend I got sick, not super sick but sick enough that the thought of sitting up, let alone sitting in front of the computer was a complete no go. A million Motrins later here I am typing away, knowing full well that Nic probably won't see all my hard work until tomorrow now, damn time difference!!!

I am looking forward to working with Nicole every week though; it's going to be a fun way to stay in touch and a great way to remind me that I need to stay in touch more than I do with the family back home. Nic and I are going to be posting two photos every Sunday, one mine, one hers, of the same subject. Sometimes we'll write about them other times maybe the photos will speak for themselves. This week I chose the word "Spring".

When I was looking around for a subject for our photo topic I was compelled to find something not only that made me think spring but also made me think of home. My photo does that for me; it takes me back to being a little girl walking home from school on the first sunny day of spring and pretending I could shrink down so tiny and be able to explore under all the melting ice and snow. To be able to get eye to eye with the little bugs just starting to move around and help them gather food. I could spend hours doing this shrinking and sometimes got in a world of trouble for the amount of time it took me to get home from school! The best though was shrinking when I was playing with other kids; they usually did boring things so I would get sidetracked by a hole in the fence, or a little pile of twigs and just fade away into a place far, far away - I didn't get asked to play with others all too often for some reason...

It was neat too, to get Nicole's photo and have almost the same visions float though my head as when I looked at my photo. Can you just imagine crawling up under those soft, purple petals and stringing up a wee hammock for a nap? Mmmm, bliss. Nicole of course couldn't do that because well, she was walking with my nephew is only one and apt to wander into traffic if someone isn't paying attention but I know if she had have been on her own she would have got up to some serious shrinking!

Spring is a little further along back home than here in Calgary - the only thing blooming here besides the florist shops are the twigs I've brought inside to force. We had almost 15 cm of snow Friday night and into Saturday so to see the crocus bringing forth a bit of colour was a sight for snow weary eyes! Thanks Nic!

Come on back next Sunday for a wee bit of monochromatic - the word of the week as chosen by Snips.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Erin McKean's book "The Secret Lives of Dresses" is in my hands. What's that you say? You don't know who Erin McKean is? Oh my, let me introduce you to a brilliant, funny, charismatic, unique woman. Who is also a gifted writer and sews herself the most beautiful dresses - with pockets! She is the author of the blog Dress A Day and founder of the webpage - a webpage that in and of itself is wonderful but better still is you can have a new word sent to your inbox everyday, that's right you too can have a vocabulary like Spenser {he's a post unto himself, someday Spenser I'll be nervy enough to write of you} These are just a few of this lady's amazing skills, definitely check out her blog!

I have been waiting to read this book for quite awhile, every since Ms. McKean mentioned she was writing a book based on her Dress a Day stories. The wait has been worth it and then some. I am 150 pages in and wow, so much better and so much more than I imagined. If you haven't read her posts on  Dress A Day called, surprisingly, Secret Lives of Dresses, do that now for a taste of what this book has to offer. Then throw in a genuine, relatable main character, a hilarious aunt, a grandmother that is so full of "joie de vivre" she doesn't even need to speak, a love interest you'd want for yourself and a couple of bees to buzz through the bonnet and you have a story that makes you feel more than good; it makes you feel unique and grateful to be so.

Thank you Ms. McKean, your book made it to my hands on a day I so desperately needed reminding to be happy to be uniquely me!

PS I finished reading it a couple hours after starting this post. Wow. It's one of those books you can read over and over and over, not even having to wait a year in between readings. In fact as soon as I conquer my tomorrow list I'm going to start reading it again. Truly it is that marvelous.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


...I will face facts.

...I will make the calls I've been putting off.

...I will come clean with myself so I can start fresh.

...I will be less hard on myself.

...I will do my homework.

...I will check my bank balance.

...I will do something bigger and better to increase my bank balance.

... I will breathe.

...I will remind myself how wonderful I am.

...I will remind others how wonderful they are.

...I will make another list for tomorrow.

Today I will smile and be grateful.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Words cannot express how the residents of Japan and their far away loved ones must be feeling right now. I do not even pretend to comprehend how one would go about surviving, let alone loving, in a tossed around world such is theirs during this chaotic, loathsome time.

As those of us safe and relatively unaffected focus on how best to help those in need, whether now or in the future, we must also focus on how best to keep our hearts and minds strong for them. Give thanks for all the little things we usually take for granted each day. Be so thankful that we have loved ones to love, happiness to share, moments to savour. Smile always and smile freely; smiles may seem to only affect a small moment but for many it is a moment that can bring about monumental change.

I am grateful for even the tough moments in my life - compared to moments considered decent in the lives of others my tough ones look like cheerful fairy tales. My joys are large and plentiful, my heart full of love and fond memories. Thank you to everyone and everything that has had a presence, great or small, in my life.

Japan, keep breathing and counting the small moments that bring any ounce of joy. I shall forever remain in awe of your strength and gracefulness as a country and a people even in times such as these.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Some random things I miss.

Disclaimer from Miss Marvelous: by no means is this list in order of most wonderfulest to lesser wonderfulness or vice-versa, just a musing of things gone by and memories to cherish.

 I Miss...

...senseless eating. No really, since I started school (OK since I turned 30) I think about what happens to food when it goes into my body. sigh Don't get me wrong I still love great food but I think too much too often.

...Summer Solstice parties at Tangle Falls. This was back in the days when the Ice and Parks staff actually socialized. We got invites to their parties and them to ours. Oh Kelly and Bo those were the days; warm summer air, blazing fires, costumes - Heather Reed had the best costumes ever (no wonder Hallowe'en is her favourite non-holiday), the outdoor sauna - I KNOW!, the garage doubling as a play/dance/ping-pong room. Oh those were good, joyful days.

...the freedom to watch cartoons without having to explain myself. I know I can watch whatever I want but I'm a grown up and some other grown ups just do not get the cartoon love. It's my list and I love cartoons, end. of. story. 20 year old liver. I miss you liver cells. I miss the nights of copious champagne and being able to still have a happy day after. first car, Molly. She was a 1981 Toyota Tercel. But she was a rock star in disguise. And the places we went and the adventures we got up to in that sweet, little thing. Cruisin' all night, listening to loud music at the quarry at 2AM, so many other insane things that only 17 year olds would find entertaining. Oh little red Fishbowl I miss you. next door to a Glacier. Oh to go for an after work stroll and 20 minutes later be standing next to a moving tongue of blue ice. Yes I think that's cool! Because I learned all about that Glacier and I drank coffee and Grand Marnier on that Glacier and I lurv that Glacier.

...a lot of other things and of course, so many people. I think it should be understood that people won't make it to this list because the loved ones I miss know I miss them. xo

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prelude to that Sunday Fiasco

Classes are done for the weekend. A quick stop at my favourite Italian market for the makings of a homemade pizza; fresh basil, sun-dried tomatoes (not packed in oil!), olives, feta cheese and of course, pizza dough. A bottle of cold bubbly. A wonderful night is within reach!

Once home only the dog to great me, oh yes the night is going to be sweet. (I love my rellies but a night alone? oh yes!) Once changed into my favourite pajamas, books stacked up the couch, notebook and pen to hand and a martini already shaken and waiting to be poured I call up my little sis Nicole. Hmm, voicemail. A sip of martini - ooooh heaven in a glass - and try to get my baby sis on the phone, 2 strikes and another voicemail left.

Ok, I'll start on the creating of the best pizza ever! Now, I've never used pre-made dough before and there were no directions on the package. So I did what any modern girl would do, I Googled "ready made pizza dough directions".Well you can imagine the hits on that! Finally sorted through a goozillion of them and thought I had a pretty good handle on what to do (amazing how a second martini can make things so clear). So pizza dough stretched and ready for zee toppings! Olive and sun-dried tomato tapanade to cover base, scatter with pancetta and torn basil leaves and finally dollops of goat feta and a wee bit of shredded mozzarella for that stringy goodness!

Just as I slid my masterpiece into the oven the phone rings. Yeah! It's my little sister calling me back.  We chat and catch up and I drink some bubbles. I had set the timer but during our catch up I just wanted to peek and sniff and tease my taste buds a bit.

I have never ended a call as quickly as I did then! Poor Nicole - "I've got to go, my pizza is about to explode!!" and I hung up. Then I started laughing.

I KNOW!!! It looks like bread but that is my pizza masterpiece. Some how, some way the dough caught a major air bubble and blew up like a hot air balloon. Just as I snapped the picture my baby sister called, I was laughing so hard I don't know how she understood me. She did manage to get it out of me that I was into the bubbly, as if that contributed to the pizza enlargement, psh.

I managed to free the pizza from  the upper element - just my luck I made the pizza in the top oven, I wonder how inflated it would have been in the lower, larger oven? Maybe I'll try it again some day because even with the element burns this was one divine pie!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If only I had something funny for my first blog...

Note to readers: one should be much more specific when making such abstract wishes. After this weekend my blog material is set for awhile.

Sunday was the culmination of the whole weekend so we'll start there.

My wonderful friend Emiko and I were getting together in Canmore (where she lives) for a long overdue catch up breakfast. My plan was to leave my place by 0900, stop for gas and coffee and then hit the open highway. Well I slept in, no worries really - when don't I sleep in? Sent Emiko a text to say I'd be a little bit late and got on my way. It was a beautiful, bright day; a day perfect for a long drive then lingering over coffee and reminiscing. I didn't really expect what was to come.

From my place in Calgary the best route to the Trans-Canada Highway is via Stoney Trail. Great! There is a Petro-Can just before the on ramp; the perfect place for gas and a highway coffee. So with gas in the tank and a coffee in hand I hopped back into Lilo (my jeep) and was ready to drive.

"Hold on little lady," I told myself (Sometimes I talk to my self like there's a cowboy in my head. It makes me happy, OK?) I should clean the windows; they're super grimy and with the super sunshine it's kinda of hard to see. So I hopped back out sans keys, checking of course the locks. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so after thoroughly cleaning ALL the windows I put the cool squeegee brush (I love those things) back in the bucket and... you can see where this is going right?

Right? When my inner cowboy boyfriend said check the locks, I did - they were locked! Yeppers, stranded with my keys locked inside my jeep along with my purse, my wallet and my cell phone. Perfect time to throw a temper tantrum, so I did.

Then with my wits collected and my tail between my legs I sucked up my feminism pride and began asking a few of the men at the other bays if they could help me break into my jeep.  OK I've heard Calgary men are the creme de la creme of gentlemen but apparently la creme do not purchase gas on sunny, Saturday mornings. "Ah, no" was the general consensus and men really? Did you need to use up your disdain quota all at once? Harsh.

So striking out with the cotton-twill creeps, I thought to ask the friendly young man at the cash register for help. "All I need is a clothes hanger please, I am going to try and get in my jeep. I locked my keys in it." After a painful "whaaat?" stare he asked me what a "cloths aanger" was. Man, really? I returned his "whaaat?" stare until he offered to ask his boss for help. "No, no we don't have the cloths aanger but there is cleaner store over there, maybe you can ask there? Please, if you need to use phone to find help, pay phone is outside." Said with much sweetness and little understanding.

I made an elaborate leap of faith and assumed he meant a dry cleaner store. To the dry cleaners I go! Yeah, closed on Sundays, figures. Not like I really believed I could break in to the jeep myself, but a girl's gotta try right?

OK pay phone, check. Found it no worries, unfortunately it is a pay phone minus its phone book. Come on really? I need a phone book! This is the 21st Century for crying out loud - as if I have anyones' telephone number memorized. My cell in locked deep in the bowels of my jeep remember? And even if I did have a number to call I have no money; wallet is nestled up next to the cell phone.

Alright, it's only a 3 minute drive to my house so what, that'll be a 20 minute walk? 25 at the most? I quickly popped into the store to let the friendly man know that I'd be back for my red jeep, "you know the one in bay 2? I locked my keys in it?" Another "whaaat?" stare. God he's good at that.

Did I mention that it's been awhile since I've seen Emiko and I wanted to look my best? Yeah me looking good includes high heels. So I'm wearing 'em now. So happy I can drive a manual in heels, that little bit of talent is making me feel sooooo good at this moment, it's a warm fuzzy moment I will never forget... My good walking boots are in the back of the jeep though, ready for any emergency! Well of course not the locking oneself out of the jeep emergency but hey, they're there! So a bit of a walk in heels, easy peasy.

So one tells oneself at the onset of an unforeseen 45 minute trek through calf high snow drifts and poopy (yeah I said poopy!) dog parks. But I made it home, grabbed the spare key (thank God I knew where it was), threw on a pair of walking shoes and headed back out the door for the return trek.

Huh, just FYI walking in flat shoes is much more expedient than in heels. Did you know that? I didn't. It only took me 20 minutes to get back to the Petro-Can. Yeah so what if my right foot got really wet because the shoes I choose had a hole. Or that I could have called a cab when I got home. I was delusional from the 45 minute walk, OK?

Perhaps the return walk was so quick because I was visualizing all the horrid things that could still go wrong with this whole story. What if they towed the jeep away? What if someone broke in and took my purse? What if they took my COFFEE!!!! (yes at this point I am still un-caffeinated, I KNOW!) And what about Emiko? I should be at her house by now. She is going to think I stood her up; she'll call and call and not get an answer than her brain will start to wander off into all the horrible reasons why...... Whoa! Reign yourself in little lady ( oh I love my inner cowboy boyfriend!). It'll all be OK. You only wished for blogging material not a novella. He was right. All was good with the jeep when I got back.

Confident that I was ready to finally hit on the road; I called Emiko to explain all (and to see if she was available for lunch), put my flat shoe foot to the accelerator and began my long sought after drive to the mountains. Ah, nothing like a serene, Saturday spin.
Sunrise over the Trans-Canada Highway in Canmore

Must add to the to-do list:
1) Purchase CAA membership
2) Memorize at least one useful telephone number
3) Sew quarters into all my jackets (maybe)
4) wear good (flat) walking shoes while driving, no matter how they mess with the look of my outfit