Sunday, March 13, 2011

Some random things I miss.

Disclaimer from Miss Marvelous: by no means is this list in order of most wonderfulest to lesser wonderfulness or vice-versa, just a musing of things gone by and memories to cherish.

 I Miss...

...senseless eating. No really, since I started school (OK since I turned 30) I think about what happens to food when it goes into my body. sigh Don't get me wrong I still love great food but I think too much too often.

...Summer Solstice parties at Tangle Falls. This was back in the days when the Ice and Parks staff actually socialized. We got invites to their parties and them to ours. Oh Kelly and Bo those were the days; warm summer air, blazing fires, costumes - Heather Reed had the best costumes ever (no wonder Hallowe'en is her favourite non-holiday), the outdoor sauna - I KNOW!, the garage doubling as a play/dance/ping-pong room. Oh those were good, joyful days.

...the freedom to watch cartoons without having to explain myself. I know I can watch whatever I want but I'm a grown up and some other grown ups just do not get the cartoon love. It's my list and I love cartoons, end. of. story. 20 year old liver. I miss you liver cells. I miss the nights of copious champagne and being able to still have a happy day after. first car, Molly. She was a 1981 Toyota Tercel. But she was a rock star in disguise. And the places we went and the adventures we got up to in that sweet, little thing. Cruisin' all night, listening to loud music at the quarry at 2AM, so many other insane things that only 17 year olds would find entertaining. Oh little red Fishbowl I miss you. next door to a Glacier. Oh to go for an after work stroll and 20 minutes later be standing next to a moving tongue of blue ice. Yes I think that's cool! Because I learned all about that Glacier and I drank coffee and Grand Marnier on that Glacier and I lurv that Glacier.

...a lot of other things and of course, so many people. I think it should be understood that people won't make it to this list because the loved ones I miss know I miss them. xo

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