Sunday, April 24, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

So weathered was the word this week and I think perhaps I should post a picture of  my brain. With the lack of post last week and then the inability to get this weeks picture to Snips in time for posting I seriously wonder about my ability to walk and talk. Maybe I'll just stay still and not speak all this week just to be safe?!

Well here is Snips gorgeous take on weathered.

Isn't it wonderful!? I love it and it's made even better by the fact that Nicole can't even recall what the rest of this house looks like, she only looks at the stairs when she passes by. So even if something is so weathered it can keep it's original beauty and sometimes even become improved by the process.

I had to giggle when Nicole sent me her photo - my subject is almost the same colour!

I like how not only the bench is weathered but the snow surrounding it is as well! So my brain may be weathered but I did manage to get, what I think is a pretty sweet snapshot.

Have a great week and remember to appreciate the weathered things in your life - they show us perseverance and history and everlasting beauty.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

... little late I know. Bad me but I have been so sick on top of school and a new job.

Here they are though, the word of the week was "fresh" as choosen by me and immediately cookies came to my mind. Hey, any excuse to bake!!

Now you can really tell Nicole and I are related because she thought of food too when she heard the word fresh!

Her staging is way better than mine and now I think I have to go eat something fresh!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Snapshot Sundays

So the word of the week was monochromatic. So hard! I really wanted to get a fantastic picture of a suburban road with a dull grey sky in the background. No such luck because it finally got sunny.
So I found a bright patch of mixed grasses instead and I think it works:

Now Nicole went a different route and has given us this: 

I love it! She doesn't think as highly of it for some reason but I find the little details that show in the photo are so cool. I also like how the blue background of of the painting (which she painted by the way!) is mimicked in the wood behind the painting.

May I also point out that I find the painting itself intriguing because I think the statue resembles Nicole. Call me odd, I will agree, but I see the statue and I see my sis, I think it's the lips.

Well until next week when we will both bring you something "fresh".

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Snapshot Sundays

Lately I feel as though I don't have enough balls in the air. Between school, school and school I'm getting a little antsy for more to do. That's one of the reasons I started to blog, it's the secondary reason for getting a part time job (the primary one being complete lack of funds!) and now boredom is one of the reasons I agreed to do a Sunday post in tandem with my little sis. Nicole, aka Snips, writes an amazing blog, check her out at Snips Snippets (my little sis has so many skills and when she started blogging another one came out to shine! She is an amazing writer, seriously sometimes I laugh so hard I cry reading her posts).

Of course for our debut weekend I got sick, not super sick but sick enough that the thought of sitting up, let alone sitting in front of the computer was a complete no go. A million Motrins later here I am typing away, knowing full well that Nic probably won't see all my hard work until tomorrow now, damn time difference!!!

I am looking forward to working with Nicole every week though; it's going to be a fun way to stay in touch and a great way to remind me that I need to stay in touch more than I do with the family back home. Nic and I are going to be posting two photos every Sunday, one mine, one hers, of the same subject. Sometimes we'll write about them other times maybe the photos will speak for themselves. This week I chose the word "Spring".

When I was looking around for a subject for our photo topic I was compelled to find something not only that made me think spring but also made me think of home. My photo does that for me; it takes me back to being a little girl walking home from school on the first sunny day of spring and pretending I could shrink down so tiny and be able to explore under all the melting ice and snow. To be able to get eye to eye with the little bugs just starting to move around and help them gather food. I could spend hours doing this shrinking and sometimes got in a world of trouble for the amount of time it took me to get home from school! The best though was shrinking when I was playing with other kids; they usually did boring things so I would get sidetracked by a hole in the fence, or a little pile of twigs and just fade away into a place far, far away - I didn't get asked to play with others all too often for some reason...

It was neat too, to get Nicole's photo and have almost the same visions float though my head as when I looked at my photo. Can you just imagine crawling up under those soft, purple petals and stringing up a wee hammock for a nap? Mmmm, bliss. Nicole of course couldn't do that because well, she was walking with my nephew is only one and apt to wander into traffic if someone isn't paying attention but I know if she had have been on her own she would have got up to some serious shrinking!

Spring is a little further along back home than here in Calgary - the only thing blooming here besides the florist shops are the twigs I've brought inside to force. We had almost 15 cm of snow Friday night and into Saturday so to see the crocus bringing forth a bit of colour was a sight for snow weary eyes! Thanks Nic!

Come on back next Sunday for a wee bit of monochromatic - the word of the week as chosen by Snips.