Sunday, March 27, 2011


Erin McKean's book "The Secret Lives of Dresses" is in my hands. What's that you say? You don't know who Erin McKean is? Oh my, let me introduce you to a brilliant, funny, charismatic, unique woman. Who is also a gifted writer and sews herself the most beautiful dresses - with pockets! She is the author of the blog Dress A Day and founder of the webpage - a webpage that in and of itself is wonderful but better still is you can have a new word sent to your inbox everyday, that's right you too can have a vocabulary like Spenser {he's a post unto himself, someday Spenser I'll be nervy enough to write of you} These are just a few of this lady's amazing skills, definitely check out her blog!

I have been waiting to read this book for quite awhile, every since Ms. McKean mentioned she was writing a book based on her Dress a Day stories. The wait has been worth it and then some. I am 150 pages in and wow, so much better and so much more than I imagined. If you haven't read her posts on  Dress A Day called, surprisingly, Secret Lives of Dresses, do that now for a taste of what this book has to offer. Then throw in a genuine, relatable main character, a hilarious aunt, a grandmother that is so full of "joie de vivre" she doesn't even need to speak, a love interest you'd want for yourself and a couple of bees to buzz through the bonnet and you have a story that makes you feel more than good; it makes you feel unique and grateful to be so.

Thank you Ms. McKean, your book made it to my hands on a day I so desperately needed reminding to be happy to be uniquely me!

PS I finished reading it a couple hours after starting this post. Wow. It's one of those books you can read over and over and over, not even having to wait a year in between readings. In fact as soon as I conquer my tomorrow list I'm going to start reading it again. Truly it is that marvelous.

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