Sunday, March 27, 2011


Erin McKean's book "The Secret Lives of Dresses" is in my hands. What's that you say? You don't know who Erin McKean is? Oh my, let me introduce you to a brilliant, funny, charismatic, unique woman. Who is also a gifted writer and sews herself the most beautiful dresses - with pockets! She is the author of the blog Dress A Day and founder of the webpage - a webpage that in and of itself is wonderful but better still is you can have a new word sent to your inbox everyday, that's right you too can have a vocabulary like Spenser {he's a post unto himself, someday Spenser I'll be nervy enough to write of you} These are just a few of this lady's amazing skills, definitely check out her blog!

I have been waiting to read this book for quite awhile, every since Ms. McKean mentioned she was writing a book based on her Dress a Day stories. The wait has been worth it and then some. I am 150 pages in and wow, so much better and so much more than I imagined. If you haven't read her posts on  Dress A Day called, surprisingly, Secret Lives of Dresses, do that now for a taste of what this book has to offer. Then throw in a genuine, relatable main character, a hilarious aunt, a grandmother that is so full of "joie de vivre" she doesn't even need to speak, a love interest you'd want for yourself and a couple of bees to buzz through the bonnet and you have a story that makes you feel more than good; it makes you feel unique and grateful to be so.

Thank you Ms. McKean, your book made it to my hands on a day I so desperately needed reminding to be happy to be uniquely me!

PS I finished reading it a couple hours after starting this post. Wow. It's one of those books you can read over and over and over, not even having to wait a year in between readings. In fact as soon as I conquer my tomorrow list I'm going to start reading it again. Truly it is that marvelous.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


...I will face facts.

...I will make the calls I've been putting off.

...I will come clean with myself so I can start fresh.

...I will be less hard on myself.

...I will do my homework.

...I will check my bank balance.

...I will do something bigger and better to increase my bank balance.

... I will breathe.

...I will remind myself how wonderful I am.

...I will remind others how wonderful they are.

...I will make another list for tomorrow.

Today I will smile and be grateful.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Words cannot express how the residents of Japan and their far away loved ones must be feeling right now. I do not even pretend to comprehend how one would go about surviving, let alone loving, in a tossed around world such is theirs during this chaotic, loathsome time.

As those of us safe and relatively unaffected focus on how best to help those in need, whether now or in the future, we must also focus on how best to keep our hearts and minds strong for them. Give thanks for all the little things we usually take for granted each day. Be so thankful that we have loved ones to love, happiness to share, moments to savour. Smile always and smile freely; smiles may seem to only affect a small moment but for many it is a moment that can bring about monumental change.

I am grateful for even the tough moments in my life - compared to moments considered decent in the lives of others my tough ones look like cheerful fairy tales. My joys are large and plentiful, my heart full of love and fond memories. Thank you to everyone and everything that has had a presence, great or small, in my life.

Japan, keep breathing and counting the small moments that bring any ounce of joy. I shall forever remain in awe of your strength and gracefulness as a country and a people even in times such as these.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Some random things I miss.

Disclaimer from Miss Marvelous: by no means is this list in order of most wonderfulest to lesser wonderfulness or vice-versa, just a musing of things gone by and memories to cherish.

 I Miss...

...senseless eating. No really, since I started school (OK since I turned 30) I think about what happens to food when it goes into my body. sigh Don't get me wrong I still love great food but I think too much too often.

...Summer Solstice parties at Tangle Falls. This was back in the days when the Ice and Parks staff actually socialized. We got invites to their parties and them to ours. Oh Kelly and Bo those were the days; warm summer air, blazing fires, costumes - Heather Reed had the best costumes ever (no wonder Hallowe'en is her favourite non-holiday), the outdoor sauna - I KNOW!, the garage doubling as a play/dance/ping-pong room. Oh those were good, joyful days.

...the freedom to watch cartoons without having to explain myself. I know I can watch whatever I want but I'm a grown up and some other grown ups just do not get the cartoon love. It's my list and I love cartoons, end. of. story. 20 year old liver. I miss you liver cells. I miss the nights of copious champagne and being able to still have a happy day after. first car, Molly. She was a 1981 Toyota Tercel. But she was a rock star in disguise. And the places we went and the adventures we got up to in that sweet, little thing. Cruisin' all night, listening to loud music at the quarry at 2AM, so many other insane things that only 17 year olds would find entertaining. Oh little red Fishbowl I miss you. next door to a Glacier. Oh to go for an after work stroll and 20 minutes later be standing next to a moving tongue of blue ice. Yes I think that's cool! Because I learned all about that Glacier and I drank coffee and Grand Marnier on that Glacier and I lurv that Glacier.

...a lot of other things and of course, so many people. I think it should be understood that people won't make it to this list because the loved ones I miss know I miss them. xo